Oct 6, 2013

Government Shutdown From Lack of Objectivity Not Compromise

        Many people in our country are blaming one political party or the other.  Many are blaming Republicans because their wanting to defund the ACA. This is true. However, what people forget is what happened oh….about since 2006. Many of those on the Republican side were advocating for healthcare reform, many of these reforms backed by economists who heavily research such policy. Well, the other party said “no” every time. Then passed their own with a new president in charge.

        However, this bill (it’s now a law) is still being researched and its effects are only known from a historical standpoint from economists (If you want to know their opinions, research that). Mainly because there’s so much in it and that is hard to really know what will happen with so many different, even contradicting aspects, in that bill. However, there are numerous parts that probably should have happened years ago. Guess what? These ideas have been on the table for a while from both parties….but that’s a different subject.

So, if anything, this is simply the straw that broke the Elephant and Donkey’s back.

Both had a common goal

Both had a different means.

Both were wrong completely wrong because they lacked something very important with such issues: objectivity.

What ever happened to the 17 government shutdowns because the Democrats didn’t want to compromise? (years ago) No. It’s more like this: where was EVERYONE and why aren’t thinking clearly?

Politics should have never been about “winning.” Clearly, every political party believes that their side should “be that party that passed healthcare reform” when the other party tried a half-dozen times before hand and “won” against the other. It should have never come to this.

I mean, how many people still believe that everyone will magically get healthcare, when it mainly makes it a law that you have to buy health insurance?

The Affordably Care Act has another name to it. It’s called Romney-Care.

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