Jul 17, 2013

Who Holds The "Bias" Card?

Let's see here....
     A turning point for some of the most influential and powerful unions to agree with with Republicans on a major part of the Affordable Care Act (they're both against the business mandate), protests from the zimmerman-martin trial have caused innocent people to get hurt (see source at the bottom), several people in Egypt are furious with Obama's backing of the Muslim Brotherhood (giving the Egyptian government 450 million bucks), there were several controversie and unanswered questions from the Fast and Furious, the Embassy attack in Libya, and the federal budget issues....yet... I still hear people telling me that FOX news lies, even though dozens of new outlets agree with all of this? 
Where is that "unbiased" media (that isn't FOX) as of lately?

Now, I am not defending political commentary from any network, including FOX. I am, however, defending FOX new's objectivity during that last few administrations and all of the recent issues that have come up.

Huffington Post, Salon, Slate, NBC/MSNBC and the whole "group" of these media mobsters will stop at nothing to hardly share these ideas with their readers. Even FOX news picked on G.W. Bush during his Presidency, and was even harsh towards Republicans.... Yet, nobody really mentions this.

Instead, a large part of this political opposition will focus on groups like Moveon.org, Politifact.org, Factcheck.org, when they hardly pick credible sources. I don't think using Paul Krugman's or Robert Riech's "blog" can serve any justice when they hardly even show they're own sources...

At least FOX news has other commentators, with differeing views. 

I just noticed that. I have always thought the commentary was purely "conservative" or "super duper right-wing," according to some people. They have Hannity and 'ole Bill, but they also have Jaun Williams, Geraldo Rivera, John Stossell (and some other libertarian thinkers as well). 

Sources of innocent victims from Zimmerman-Martin verdict:

*Why isn't this on the mainstream new's headlines? Why doesn't the Huffington Post put this all over their news? I would hope as I am writing this that they have at least addressed some of the violence but so far, their coverage sucks. 

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