Mar 26, 2012

Senator Joe McCarthy was right....

Interesting fun fact: Senator Joe McCarthy was regarded as one of the worst individuals of the 1950's mainly by his methods of accusing those in the government of being spies, and/or being communists (presumably influencing politics). He desperately tried to prove his points but due to many reasons and other influences (and a lack of belief from his fellow politicians) he was essentially ignored after creating numerous scares. 
He was cast out of the Senate and eventually died with problems associated with depression and alcoholism. Here's the catch: in the mid 1990's the former Soviet Union's KGB and United States FBI together released thousands of documents relating to the infiltration of communists in the American government. They were called the Venona papers. 
These papers linked those Senator McCarthy accused as being communists working for the government and of course spies working for Russia. Also really funny....many documents had links to other documents but were never found, mainly pointing "extra" communists and spies. More than likely these documents were burned in order to preserve whatever secrets the communists's wanted to keep from the FBI, CIA and other authorities. Most of the documents were recovered but some still are missing. They pretty much proved that Joe McCarthy was correct in his findings, not only for those he accused but even for those he didn't accuse and had no idea. They were MANY communists and many communist spies working in the government at that time....