Nov 4, 2013

Republican Healthcare Reform. Proof. Also, Krugman rant.

If you know me, then you that I cannot stand Paul Krugman. Not because he considers himself a liberal because that would be ridiculous. I have several friends that are considered “liberal.”
I dislike him because he let his Nobel Peace Prize go to his head and at this point, he only blames Republicans and conservative or libertarians for every economic/social ill known to humans.
The following are just a few examples of why he angers me.....
Him lying about the Bush tax cuts, getting the wrong information (this source has sources):
Lying about Mitt Romney:  Seriously, actually making this stuff up… This has many other examples of him well, lying.
Here’s him blaming Republicans for all the effing healthcare problems:
His idea of what the NHS is like, not really true: Maybe I should send old Krugster some reports that he’s wrong?
Then you have ahem….this….guy. Same horrible idea of “Republican Healthcare Plan: Don’t Get Sick.” Simply childish. Why are some of these people leading our country?     “It was a blank piece of paper” “Don’t Get sick”
Why would someone simply bash the other side? Alan Grayson, with all due respect, why were you so immature about this? This is not even remotely true.

Why all of this immaturity towards Republicans? Why say “they don’t believe in reform” when in fact, they’ve attempted several times and you know what happened? DEMOCRATS VOTED NO!!!!
Want proof of these bills? Keep in mind that these are Republican comprehensive healthcare reforms BEFORE the Obamacare/Affordable Care Act (Everyone calls it Obamacare but I don’t like to).
Here’s one from Senator Mike Enzi, a Republican from Wisconsin n 2007:
Another from Senators Burr, Corker, Coburn, Martinez and Dole:
Bennett and ONE Democrat, my personal hero, Ron Wyden:

Some thought....

If you don’t like the idea of a free-market oriented healthcare system, then please, do not tell me “to look at the facts, read a book or tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about” etc like typically happens from a certain political opposition. I am fighting back.
This is a good one about Singapore (you need access from a college website, then search this title):
A review of Singapores Healthcare ideas:
Oh, and here’s some more peer-reviewed literature about free-market healthcare reform and one or two criticisms of it. Usually, the criticisms are “facts” founded by already set-in-the-brain misconceptions about what Republicans want, what conservatives want, how people distort the truth about the free trade.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, (2012). Frequently asked questions hospital value-
based purchasing. Retrieved from website:
Bolch, M. (2012). SHIFTING THE BURDEN: Employers Helping Employees Manage Costs.
Financial Executive, 28(10), 40-43.
Delamothe, T. (2008). Universality, equity, and quality of care. BMJ: British Medical Journal
(International Edition), 336(7656), 1278-1281
Kroncke, C. & White, R. (2009). The Modern Health Care Maze. (2009). Independent Review,
14(1), 45-70.
Fixing Medical Malpractice Through Health Insurer Enterprise Liability. (2008). Harvard Law
Review, 121(4), 1192-1214.
Glasper, A. (2013). The quality of care provided in NHS trusts reviewed. British Journal Of
Nursing, 22(19), 1136-1137
Haviland, A. M., Marquis, M., McDevitt, R. D., & Sood, N. (2012). Growth Of Consumer-Directed
Health Plans To One-Half Of All Employer-Sponsored Insurance Could Save $57 Billion
Annually. Health Affairs, 31(5), 1009-1015. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0369
Herzlinger, R. (2007). Consumerism and controversy: a conversation with Regina Herzlinger by
Robert S Galvin. Health Affairs, 26(5), w552-9.
Herzlinger, R. (2009). Regina Herzlinger: a long-term vision for healthcare reform. Hfm
(Healthcare Financial Management), 63(11), 50-52
Marshall, M. (2009, October 10). Applying quality improvement approaches to health care.
BMJ: British Medical Journal (Overseas & Retired Doctors Edition). pp. 819-820.
Shepherd, J., & Stafford, K. (2012). Patient-centric? Third-party payers interfere. Journal Of
Family Practice, 61(4), 187
Santias, F., Consuelo, D., & MartĂ­nez, I. (2004). Healthcare services in the U.K. PRIVATE SECTOR
Y PolĂ­ticas De Salud, 3(7), 8-22.
 Tacchino, A. (2012). Health Care Reform's Effect on the Working Middle Class. Journal Of
Financial Service Professionals, 66(3), 43-50.
Taylor, J. (2012). Market-Based Reforms in Health Care Are Both Practical and Morally Sound.
Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 40(3), 537-546. doi:10.1111/j.1748-
Tinkham, M. (2013). Pursuing magnet designation: the role of structural empowerment. AORN
Journal, 97(2), 253-256. doi:10.1016/j.aorn.2012.11.011
Tozzi, J. (2013). What the GOP Has to Love About Obamacare. Bloomberg Businessweek, (4345),
Tu, H. T., & May, J. H. (2007). Self-Pay Markets In Health Care: Consumer Nirvana Or Caveat
Emptor?. Health Affairs, 26w217-w226. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.26.2.w217
Williams, H. F., Lopez, G., & Lewis, K. (2013). Certification -- Good for Business. Nephrology
Nursing Journal, 40(3), 247-254.
Williams, C., & Maruthappu, M. (2013, January). "Healthconomic Crises": Public Health and
Neoliberal Economic Crises. American Journal of Public Health. pp. 7-9.
Note: You see how long it takes to dispel these silly little myths? I would defend Obama from the anti-same sex marriage crowd but I already agree with same-sex marriage. Pro-choice or pro-life? I wrote something about that years ago. Back when I could hardly even write. Now, I at least suck at this point. :)

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