Nov 5, 2013

Free Market Healthcare and Why It Works (Soon, November 8th)

There will soon be a peer-reviewed paper about the complexity of our healthcare system, why the status quo is not working, why insurance companies and government funded insurance companies are making healthcare worse and why parts of the ACA actually induce these. Of course there will be more topics.

Some critics say that we have a "free market" in healthcare but how can that be true if half of healthcare is paid by government and most of it is regulated by government? That was a trick question. These simple facts enable that premise to be false: we barely have a free market oriented healthcare system. In fact, with the government tampering with producers, consumers the third-party-payers, it's no wonder why costs are out of control.

Here's a taste:

Many critics of the U.S. health care system argue that our practice of "freemarket"

medicine has been a failure, and we ought to follow the Europeans and

embrace "socialized medicine." We maintain, ho\\e\er.. that this country's "awkward

flirtation with the marketplace" (Whalen 2003) more closely resembles corporate

welfare than an experiment in free-market medicine. Therefore, we suggest that

before Americans abandon the free market, they ought at least to try it.

Kroncke, C. & White, R. (2009). The Modern Health Care Maze. (2009). Independent Review, 14(1), 45-70.

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