Nov 18, 2013

Absolute Tolerance Towards Conservatives

You should know, before we begin, I am not a fan of Sarah Palin. Neither am I a fan of Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and a few others. I am also not a fan of Rachel Maddow, Keith Olberman or Cenk, from the Young Turks.
Why? All of them are guilty of saying some inflammatory comments towards the "other side" and it seems like people are not held to a certain standard.

When Rush called that younger women a "slut" because she advocated that the government should pay for all contraceptives, etc. for women in college, it became national news and rightfully so: he was an asshole.
Almost lost his job for that. I wouldn't have cared, however. I could careless about political commentators, of any side on the political spectrum.
What disgusts me, however, is the level of which "side" gets the most negative publicity in regards to their awful statements.
Take Bill Maher for example....called Sarah Palin the C-word and conservatives were fairly angry. Liberals didn't care much. In fact, it was not really in national news. Nobody really cared.....

Now, you have this guy:

Despite your views about Sarah Palin's methods or how she talks to people, or her political views, let it be known that many liberal commentators are not held to the same standard as conservative commentators. Even though Rush apologized for his words.....they still hate him. Just like this guy....I wonder how many people will even care about his comments?

What about the above video? He apologized and felt really bad for saying such things....yet, he is known for making similar (though, not as bad) comments towards those he disagrees with....

UPDATE: He resigned. 

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