Jun 27, 2013

New Immigration Bill

For those of you freaking out about the newly passed immigration bill: it doesn't grant anyone the "insta-citizen" status.
They still need to wait 10 (?) years for citizenship after they have passed a background check, paid all outstanding taxes and all of this, of course, with a worker's visa. This does not grant citizenship in the manner of simply granting them citizenship automatically. Whether you like it or not, I don’t blame anyone for leaving their countries that have a worse economy than ours (yes, even if ours is bad, it’s mostly bad for us but still better than most other economies) and coming over here to actually make some sort of living. I don’t blame them one bit for coming here. This is an excellent country, in my opinion!
I imagine my conservative friends are a little p****d off at me but I really don’t give a ****. Here’s why: they still need to go according to the newly formed law and get a visa. They still need to pay their taxes. They still need to go through the process of getting their citizenship. How could we kick them out when they have lived here for this long already? Also, the increase in border security will hopefully prevent more people from getting here illegally in the first place….I hope it reduces it.
Why? It is very unsafe to get here illegally. Many people die along the way. Also, not to mention the massive influx of drugs, etc; that come across the border…illegally of course. This might slow a lot of this down…
It’s not perfect. Listen: I would PREFER that people would move here legally and/or get a visa to work here. That is perfectly fine. I do not like the concept of people fleeing their country and not even attempting to get their citizenship when they get here. Undocumented or illegal, it’s the same meaning and I don’t really care about the terms being used.  Regardless, people need a little help in these matters.

I am hoping that this helps alleviate the problem but only time will tell. 

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