Intolerance comes in all forms. Either side of the fence is guilty. When it comes to discussing from a anti-religious/athiest standpoint, conservatives have expressed in a certain manner that would bother me. Of course, this has only happened a few times to me.
When it comes to discussing the role of government, or federal power, the other side can be intolerant....claiming that "you're against the poor and elderly" and the works. Excellent example of Alinsky tactics: belittle your opponent, interrupt them constantly, name-calling, red herring fallacies, and other various other ways...
When it comes to discussing the role of government, or federal power, the other side can be intolerant....claiming that "you're against the poor and elderly" and the works. Excellent example of Alinsky tactics: belittle your opponent, interrupt them constantly, name-calling, red herring fallacies, and other various other ways...
Resorting to ad hominem and red herring fallacies = Nobody
solved anything and nobody learned anything. The only thing that happened is that
one person thought they have won the argument and other feels like other one
missed the point entirely, with all do respect.
Attacking someone’s character doesn’t solve any problems but
certainly creates more problems. Not only for the person being attacked (they
may feel threatened), but especially the person that completely “turned” off
their rational thinking and loses all control. This person forgets what they
are even arguing for half of the time. This type of arguer doesn’t learn
anything from their opposition and really doesn’t even have an argument.
Actually, they may very well have an argument but cannot even conjure up enough
rational thought to do so.
Making a claim is one thing, but to make a claim in order to
undermine the thoughts or ideas of another to simply feel “empowered” over the
other person can make you disingenuous.
Is this the new argument for people who cannot rebuttal your
claims or ideas?
In nicer terms it basically says, “What you say really doesn’t
matter, shut up!”
In actuality, the opposition may just simply say, “shut the
**** up!”
My other favorite attack would be, “**** off!”
If this is this what debating (rational debating, mind
you) has resorted to from your political opposition, then this country is
really screwed. Think about it. All the times you tried to get a point across and
someone missed it entirely and resorted to attacking you but not your ideas.
Another great example is when "they" interrupt you before you even finish a rebuttle sentence. What does this mean? I think it means they weren't even listening to you in the first place...just waiting for their "rebuttle" aka interruption for attacking you.
My other favorite is when they attack your spelling or pronunciations.
Gotta love it!
It’s like debating people about the income gap and you’re
trying to mention about income mobility. They have no clue and have not a care
in the world of what you’re talking about, most of the time. Every now and
then, it might spark a little light bulb in their head or it might even plant a
tiny seed of intellectual thought. Rarely.
Most of the time, this type of argument (for people like me, anyways) gets resorted automatically to unrelated arguments. For example, a debate like this might be “moved over” to a different topic unrelated to income mobility or the income gap, and focused on corporate greed. Seriously... Separate issue, folks. If you want to debate about the atrocities of corporatism in this country then fine, I will certainly argue multiple valid points that might agree with many of yours. But not now, for the love of (insert name of deity)!!!
Most of the time, this type of argument (for people like me, anyways) gets resorted automatically to unrelated arguments. For example, a debate like this might be “moved over” to a different topic unrelated to income mobility or the income gap, and focused on corporate greed. Seriously... Separate issue, folks. If you want to debate about the atrocities of corporatism in this country then fine, I will certainly argue multiple valid points that might agree with many of yours. But not now, for the love of (insert name of deity)!!!
All I have to say is that when you debate people and you don’t
disagree with them, make sure you debate their ideas…not the person.
And then of course, you probably never hear from this person ever again.....
So, who is really at fault?
So, when people start making claims about you, when they start attacking your character or changing the subject constantly, that is a good time to simply let it go.
Lesson learned: refuse to debate those that have nothing but hate in their hearts towards you.
Another example is that when someone reads this blog or whatever, they think I hate the poor. I do not hate the poor. Stop saying this.
If people cannot fathom these words above, then READ IT AGAIN.
There. I believe that the government had a role in helping the poor and does a piss-poor job at helping them. I think that, in many cases, it makes the matters worse.
Resorting to name-calling is just the beginning. Another one is simply making fun of the person in general. For example: making fun of the person's face, or clothes they wear.
So, what can a libertarian, conservative, and liberal learn from this? It doesn't matter what your political views are...
....just don't be an asshole.
And then of course, you probably never hear from this person ever again.....
So, who is really at fault?
So, when people start making claims about you, when they start attacking your character or changing the subject constantly, that is a good time to simply let it go.
Lesson learned: refuse to debate those that have nothing but hate in their hearts towards you.
Another example is that when someone reads this blog or whatever, they think I hate the poor. I do not hate the poor. Stop saying this.
If people cannot fathom these words above, then READ IT AGAIN.
There. I believe that the government had a role in helping the poor and does a piss-poor job at helping them. I think that, in many cases, it makes the matters worse.
Resorting to name-calling is just the beginning. Another one is simply making fun of the person in general. For example: making fun of the person's face, or clothes they wear.
So, what can a libertarian, conservative, and liberal learn from this? It doesn't matter what your political views are...
....just don't be an asshole.