Intolerance comes in all forms. Either side of the fence is guilty. When it comes to discussing from a anti-religious/athiest standpoint, conservatives have expressed in a certain manner that would bother me. Of course, this has only happened a few times to me.
When it comes to discussing the role of government, or federal power, the other side can be intolerant....claiming that "you're against the poor and elderly" and the works. Excellent example of Alinsky tactics: belittle your opponent, interrupt them constantly, name-calling, red herring fallacies, and other various other ways...
When it comes to discussing the role of government, or federal power, the other side can be intolerant....claiming that "you're against the poor and elderly" and the works. Excellent example of Alinsky tactics: belittle your opponent, interrupt them constantly, name-calling, red herring fallacies, and other various other ways...
Resorting to ad hominem and red herring fallacies = Nobody
solved anything and nobody learned anything. The only thing that happened is that
one person thought they have won the argument and other feels like other one
missed the point entirely, with all do respect.