Oct 9, 2011

Creating Jobs, Who To Tax and My Poor Dog....

My rant for the day…
As the dog is begging me to walk her, I just remembered a conversation I had with a fellow student several months about our current economic system.  Yeah, here I go again…
“You believe in a deregulated economy, right? Doesn’t that make us slaves to the ‘man’? We’re slaves to the system we’ve adopted. Capitalism.”
I was pretty curious about this and sort of agreed with this person on certain terms but I mentioned this could not literally be true, right?

Oct 3, 2011

The Economic Way of Thinking | LearnLiberty

The Economic Way of Thinking | LearnLiberty

 Here is an interesting video of economics.

This website features many views from various economists around the world. Lay terms for those of us (like me) who sometimes cannot grasp these concepts....